About Joanna

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Meet JoAnna

JoAnna Pallante is a distinguished luxury real estate professional specializing in high-end properties throughout Southern California. With over a decade of experience in the industry since 2013, she has successfully closed significant transactions, including a $23 million sale in Crystal Cove, a $14.7 million sale in Pelican Crest, and a $13.9 million sale in Beverly Hills. Her total sales volume exceeds $100 million, solidifying her reputation as a top-performing agent in the luxury market.

In 2025, JoAnna joined The Beverly Hills Estates, led by Branden and Rayni Williams. This power duo and their firm dominate the ultra-luxury high-end market in Los Angeles with their impressive history of record-breaking sales, superior client services, and upscale marketing efforts. Before this, JoAnna appeared on Bravo's 'Million Dollar Listing' while working with The Altman Brothers Team, where she honed her skills in high-profile transactions and strategic deal-making.

JoAnna holds a Communications & Business Administration degree from Fordham University. She started her career in finance as a salesperson for Bloomberg LP and later as a credit derivatives broker. Her background on Wall Street enables her to expertly analyze market opportunities and negotiate seamless deals for her clients. Her passion for real estate and commitment to client satisfaction have made her a trusted advisor among elite buyers and sellers. She purchased her first property in Manhattan at age 24 and moved to California in 2013, where she bought her second home before age 30. Her personal experiences in real estate investment and relocation provide her with unique insights to assist her clients in finding their dream homes and building generational wealth.

In addition to her extensive real estate expertise, JoAnna's husband, Roman James, owns a renowned architectural, interior design, and custom home-building firm, granting her added resources for remodeling, upgrading, and adding value to properties through his business. She is a one-stop real estate resource with vast connections, including stagers, movers, lenders, home organizers, contractors, and interior designers.

Beyond her professional achievements, JoAnna is a proud mother to her daughter, Lily Grace, and a dog mom to her French Bulldog, Sonny. She is passionate about holistic health and fitness and often shares wellness and mindful living tips through social media. JoAnna assists clients with relocation and lifestyle enhancement, including access to social clubs, top restaurant reservations, and elite fitness training. In her free time, she enjoys playing golf and tennis. 

JoAnna is also deeply committed to giving back. With each sale she makes, she donates a percentage of her commission to a charity of her client's choice. She volunteers with and donates to various organizations, including Food on Foot, Baby2Baby, and Children's Hospital LA, to support those in need.

JoAnna Pallante

8878 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069

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